What is WANTFA ?
The Western Australian No-tillage Farmers Association (WANTFA) is the largest agronomic grower group in Western Australia. WANTFA supports the adoption of sustainable and profitable broadacre cropping systems by sharing grower experiences and innovative research. Formed in 1992, WANTFA was built on the ethic of grower helping growers. It is the only WA group that solely focuses on conservation agriculture (no-tillage and zero-tillage). WANTFA endorses farming practices that support the following principles:
- Limited soil disturbances,
- Permanent ground cover,
- Diverse rotations, and
- Reduced compaction.
Why Become a Member ?
WANTFA has satellite sites across the state which are funded by GRDC, DPIRD and industry sponsors. At these sites, trials aim to investigate and offer solutions to the barriers to adoption of a permanent stubble retention system. WANTFA extends research and increases farmer knowledge by:
- Holding annual events: field days, live demonstration days and conferences,
- Publishing conservation farming information: quarterly journals, and
- Providing regionally based activities: workshops, bus tours and training courses.
WANTFA operates with the support and assistance from the Grains and Research Development Corporation (GRDC), Australian Government, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), corporate sponsors, events income and membership fees. WANTFA’s Long Term No-Tillage Systems Farming Project, funded by GRDC, is being conducted to provide valuable data and information to growers, to help them advance their no-till systems. Then environmental and economic benefits of the new no-till system will be determined in the long term. Refer to projects tab for further information.
![Future Directions WANTFA Staff](https://www.wantfa.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Future-Directions.png)
Future Directions
Despite greater than 90% adoption of a no-till seeding system, no-till is not ‘done and dusted’. The hard yards of agronomic development now need to take place for Western Australian conditions. Overcoming barriers to adoption of a high residue cropping system is a high priority.
WANTFA has a wide network of contacts in the conservation farming sector. The Grower Group Alliance (GGA) is an organisation which also helps WANTFA link with other Western Australian grower groups and the industry.