WANTFA Crop Updates 2017

With a great line-up of speakers and topics, the March 2 WANTFA Crop Updates was an enlightening and informative afternoon in Goomalling. Around 40 growers and industry came along to the event which highlighted some of the key agronomical issues and research topics of...

2016 WANTFA events

Soil Workshop (Nutrition Compaction Rotations) – September 21 – Boyup Brook (Flyer here) Deep Ripper Demo Day – August 30 – Goomalling (Flyer here) Spring Field Walk – September 1 – Cunderdin (Flyer here) Soil Workshop (Nutrition Compaction Rotations)...
Long term no-till farming systems

Long term no-till farming systems

Improving the quality of no-till Neil Cordingley, WANTFA Project Manager The aim of this GRDC-funded trial is to determine the long term benefits of the key components of conservation agriculture—crop residue retention, diverse rotations, minimal soil disturbance and...

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