2016 WANTFA events

Soil Workshop (Nutrition Compaction Rotations) – September 21 – Boyup Brook (Flyer here) Deep Ripper Demo Day – August 30 – Goomalling (Flyer here) Spring Field Walk – September 1 – Cunderdin (Flyer here) Soil Workshop (Nutrition Compaction Rotations)...
Long term no-till farming systems

Long term no-till farming systems

Improving the quality of no-till Neil Cordingley, WANTFA Project Manager The aim of this GRDC-funded trial is to determine the long term benefits of the key components of conservation agriculture—crop residue retention, diverse rotations, minimal soil disturbance and...

EVENTS: Australian Farm Institute Grains Industry Workshop

September 25 – Cunderdin Resource Centre – 8am-10am Australian Farm Institute Executive Director Mick Keogh will be delivering a presentation on grain advisory and extension systems in the US, Brazil and Denmark with reference to how they compare with the systems in...

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