Long term no-till farming systems

Long term no-till farming systems

Improving the quality of no-till Neil Cordingley, WANTFA Project Manager The aim of this GRDC-funded trial is to determine the long term benefits of the key components of conservation agriculture—crop residue retention, diverse rotations, minimal soil disturbance and...

EVENTS: Cunderdin Crop Updates 2015

We are showcasing the latest results from the Cunderdin site and presenting the newest local and interestate crop research. There will also be a free Advanced Spray Workshop from 9.30am. DOWNLOAD THE PROGRAM HERE. WHERE: Cunderdin Sports Club WHEN: 3rd March,...

WANTFA Crop Updates: Media Release February 2015

Cracking the code on Wheatbelt soil constraints Lime incorporation and strategic tillage are hoped to help crack the code on central and eastern Wheatbelt soil constraints. Application and incorporation of lime with tillage will be hot topics at the Cunderdin Crop...

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