WANTFA aims to drive sustainability of WA farming through innovation, initiative and extension.
Your support of WANTFA is vital to the growth and prosperity of crop research in WA.
While we operate with funding from the GRDC and Federal and State grants, our membership base plays a big part in the success of our research applications.
Our research is currently focussed in the following areas:
- Long-term research site at Cunderdin trialling new methods to improve no-till cropping systems.
- Carbon Farming Initiative: Three project sites in Cunderdin, Bolgart and Beacon.
- Crop Rotation: New ways of introducing more break crops into rotations (Meckering).
- Dry seeding: Assessment and improved management of the risks inherent in seeding cereals dry.
- Climate change: Research into farm level adaptation strategies for variable and changing climates.
- Stubble: The impacts of fallow stubble grazing and stubble retention on following crops.
- Weeds: Management of weeds and strategies to deal with herbicide resistance.
- Summer Crops: Profitability studies including impacts on following season crops.
PLUS more than 20 additional trials at the Cunderdin site displayed in more details at the field days.
To keep up to date with the findings of our research projects, subscribe to the WANTFA journal New Frontiers in Agriculture and come along to our member events and field days.
Learn more about WANTFA’s main research projects.
Browse a small selection of the articles published in our journal.
CTA: Download Factsheets on a number of topical subjects.