We had a fantastic turnout at our Annual Post Seeding Field walk on 13th July at our main trial site in Cunderdin, with a great look into the questions being asked in our industry. We are looking forward to our Spring Field Day on 9 September, when we will get a clearer idea of the trial results.

The site received great early rainfall, with 30 mm falling from 8-10 April. This was followed by a 5 week dry spell, followed by 20 mm, then another dry month with 23 mm at the end of it. This pattern is becoming increasingly common; a good early break followed by a prolonged dry period.

We, in conjunction with CSIRO are looking into the effects of times of sowing, with seeding dates starting in April. Our early sown wheat is progressing well, but was flowering in July. Andrew Fletcher, CSIRO pointed out that an early sown variety would need to flower at the same time as traditionally sown varieties to guard against an increased frost risk.

Georgie Troupe, DAFWA is looking at agronomic options for managing oat varieties for grain and hay off the back of an increased demand for oats in grain form from China. She is looking at the suitability of harvesting hay varieties for grain to give some market flexibility post seeding.

Blakely Paynter, DAFWA, has various barley trials in the ground. Blakely is looking at the nitrogen responses of new barley varieties around rate and timing. He is also comparing barley quality between Australia & Canada and is looking at weed competitiveness of various barley varieties. In this trial, Blakely has under sown oats in place of ryegrass and barley grass, as the trial is in a farmer’s paddock.

CSIRO have a great trial where they are investigating nitrogen loss after application with or without the use of nitrification inhibitors. After application, urea quickly turns into ammonium and then into nitrate which is easily leached through the soil. Inhibitors are being applied with the aim of retaining the nitrogen in ammonium form in the soil for longer. We also had a look at Rick Horbury’s (Bayer) trial comparing control of spot form net blotch through soil and foliar fargicides in La Trobe barley.

Jackie Bucat, DAFWA is looking into methods of retaining F2 and F3 hybrid seed in low rainfall areas, and Bidgette Doyle, Kaylx has some wheat and canola NVTs on the site. Jackie Bucat, DAFWA is looking into methods of retaining F2 and F3 hybrid seed in low rainfall areas, and Bidgette Doyle, Kaylx has some wheat and canola NVTs on the site.

We wrapped up the day with a social in the wool shed, thanks to Suncorp Bank.

Georgie Troupe (DAFWA) discussing her oats trial with attendees.

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