At the end of September 2015, Dr. David Minkey & Dr. Matt McNee will be travelling to Tasmania to represent WANTFA at the National Agronomy Conference.
Both have had papers accepted by the conference organisers and will be presenting these while in Tasmania. The papers being presented are titled:
Extent and Attitudes of Dry Seeding in the Agro Ecological Zones of Western Australia.
Program Level Considerations of Sowing Date for Canola and Wheat.
Improved early wheat growth after millet and cowpea in the central cropping belt of Western Australia.
Potential for summer active grasses to minimise gaseous soil N losses.
Model-based explorations to assess climate risk to summer crop production and its effects on wheat yield in the central wheatbelt of Western Australia.
Extent and attitudes of dry seeding in the agro-ecological zones of Western Australia.
Farm level considerations of sowing date for canola and wheat.
The residual N benefits of intercropping field pea and wheat.
We have also recently presented frost and early sowing trials we have in Brookton, for both the Corrigin & Facey groups.
We are working strongly to build and maintain both regional and national relationships with other industry bodies.