Media Release
A core group of researchers and extension providers with an interest in carbon farming met last month to discuss future opportunities for grain farmers to reduce emissions and improve productivity.
The meeting, facilitated by WANTFA Carbon Farming Project Officer Nikki Dumbrell, included 20 researchers and grower group representatives who have an interest in carbon farming have similar projects which focus on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) management by grain growers and the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI).
WANTFA’s four year Extension and Outreach Project funded by the Australian Government will be looking at carbon farming from the productivity perspective.
The drive towards forming the core group stemmed from the need to ensure WA growers received the best and most up-to-date information about carbon farming and GHG emissions management in broadacre agriculture.
“I look forward to collaborating with other groups to achieve the best outcome for WA growers,” Ms Dumbrell said.
“I think today’s event was really worthwhile and as a result I have learnt about other projects and what we here at WANTFA can do to make sure these projects can deliver results back to growers,” Ms Dumbrell said.
Assoc/Prof Louise Barton, based at The University of Western Australia, presented her soil nitrous oxide research, including preliminary results from her most recent projects.
“Our current study is giving us valuable information on how nitrous oxide emissions are influenced by soil carbon’ Assoc/Prof Barton said.
Some of Assoc/Prof Barton’s research forms part of the National Agricultural Nitrous Oxide Research Program (NANORP), and is funded by the Department of Agriculture and GRDC.
Brisbane based CSIRO researcher Dr Peter Thorburn gave an outline and description of a Filling the Research Gap project titled “Achieving least cost greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement – opportunities in Australian grain farms”
This project is looking to estimate how much GHG abatement is practically and economically feasible on Australian grains farms.
“My project fits well with WANTFA’s; I’m interested in carbon cycling in soils and want to find out if GHG abatement is practically and economically feasible on grain farms,” Dr Thorburn said.
WANTFA are distributing a quarterly carbon farming newsletter and will be holding workshops throughout the State. Please contact Ms Dumbrell to be put on the mailing list.
Similar meetings will be held every six months for the duration of WANTFA’s Extension and Outreach Project.

WA core carbon farming group from left, Richard Bell (Murdoch University), Liam Ryan (DAFWA), Sudeesh Manalil (UWA), Peter Thorburn (CSIRO Brisbane), Nikki Dumbrell (WANTFA), Guy Boggs (Wheatbelt NRM), Lauren Celenza, Matthew McNee, Penny Roberts-Craig (WANTFA), Adelle Killen (NACC), Louise Barton, Ken Flower, Deirdre Gleeson (UWA) and David Minkey (WANTFA).
Nikki Dumbrell
Mobile: 0459 029 242
Media contact
Lauren Celenza
Mobile: 0419 908 793