Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) has formed a new partnership with WANTFA to support WA grain growers and local crop research.
ADM, formerly known as Toepfer International in Australia, is one of WANTFA’s diamond sponsors for 2015. One of the reasons ADM chose to support WANTA is that it recognises the value of the grassroots research, extension efforts and conservation farming principles WANTFA promotes to its members and broader WA grain growers.
Tim Henry, Managing Director for ADM Australia and New Zealand, said the partnership with WANTFA is a significant part of ADM’s strategy to invest in rural communities that help support its business directly, and the grain and oilseed industry as a whole.
“WANTFA is an industry leader in research and extension, which is driven by and directly targeted to improving WA growers’ in-pocket returns,” he said.
“Likewise, the success of our business is not only driven by innovation from within, but bythe ability to collaborate with all facets of the supply chain to make incremental improvement in everything we do.”
About ADM in Australia
In Australia, ADM serves the markets for specialty-food and feed ingredients as well as industrial products. ADM is a leading provider of amino acids for feed applications and of cocoa and lecithin for food products. ADM’s business markets wheat, barley, canola and sorghum across Australia. The company is among Australia’s top five domestic grain merchandisers and among the top five agricultural commodity exporters. Learn more at
Level 2, 195 Great Eastern Highway
Belmont, WA 6104
Reece Duffield
Grain Accumulation Manager
Phone: 08 9422 2303
Mobile: 0418 589 334
Fax: 08 9422 2443